„The women were with Jesus. Every day. They were there at the foot of the cross and on the morning of the resurrection. We don't hear anything about them in the Bible. But the Bible tells us that they were the ones who were there. So wouldn't it be interesting to have a direct testimony of these women?“ (Librettist Peter Sellars
With a focus on marginalised perspectives, The Gospel According to the Other Mary puts biblical characters and events, including the resurrection of Lazarus and the Passion of Christ, in a strongly political, contemporary light:
After her release from prison, Mary returns to her sister Martha. Martha runs a home that survives on donations and small miracles and cares for people in need. A group of activists, led by a man named Jesus who fights for more equality and justice, also find refuge in this community. But the protective walls begin to crumble and Mary and Martha are mercilessly confronted with a world characterised by violence, brutality and injustice. This puts their resilience to the test. How can they keep faith in a better future when everything around them stands in stark contrast to their hopes?