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Darko Petrovic

Darko Petrovic was born in Istria and, just like Carlotta Grisi, found his way from this small but multicultural piece of land to the theatre. After studying art in Venice (stage design with the painter Giovanni Soccol), he worked on over a hundred productions as stage and costume designer at various theatres in Europe, among others for the Cologne Opera (Tristan und Isolde, Tannhäuser, Die Gezeichneten, Fidelio, Solaris, Im Weißen Rössl), the Deutsche Oper Berlin and the Grand Théâtre de Genève (Samson et Dalila), the Ballett am Rhein Düsseldorf Duisburg (Abendlied, Symphonic Poem), Ballett Magdeburg (Le Corsaire, Raymonda), Teatro Bellini Catania (Macbeth, Fidelio, Médée), Festival della Valle d’Itria (Idomeneo, Iphigénie en Tauride), Teatro Verdi Salerno (La Bohème), Staatstheater Karlsruhe (La clemenza di Tito) and Staatstheater Augsburg (Rigoletto, Hamlet). In addition, several works for film complete his œuvre.

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